Compliance with the Transparency Code for Smaller Authorities

As a Parish Council with an annual turnover not exceeding £25,000 Stillingfleet Parish Council is required to publish the following information.  The table below includes appropriate links to where this information can be found on the Council’s website.

End of year accounts in the Annual Return

Accounting Statements - 2023-24

Bank Reconciliation as at 31 March 2024

Bank Reconciliation as at 31.3.24

All items of expenditure above £100 – 2023/24

Breakdown of expenditure greater than £100 - 2023-2024

Explanation of significant variances in the statement of accounts comparing 2022/23 with 2023/24

Explanation of variances 2023-24

Annual Governance Statement 2023/24

Annual Governance Statement 2023-24

Annual Internal Audit Report 2023/24

Annual Internal Audit Report 2023-24 - page 4

List of councillor names and responsibilities in terms of committee membership and any representation on external local public bodies

Councillors responsibilities - 2024-25

Location of public land and buildings

Stillingfleet Village Green is owned by the Parish Council.

The Parish Council is the custodian trustee of the VILLAGE INSTITUTE, York Road, Stillingfleet – registered title no. NYK 475006. The Village Institute Committee is responsible for the management, insurance and up-keep of the village institute building.

Fixed Asset Register

ASSET REGISTER for SPC - 31.3.24

Minutes, agendas and meeting papers of formal meetings