
Parish Council Minutes

Minutes – 7 February 2019

MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 7 FEBRUARY 2019 18059/61 Welcome, attendance and apologies: The Chair welcomed councillors and the clerk as follows: Councillors: Paul Elmhirst (Chair), John Cook (Vice-chair), Lesley Collingridge, Richard Daniel, [...]

February 12th, 2019|

Minutes – 6 December 2018

STILLINGFLEET PARISH COUNCIL - MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 6 DECEMBER 2018   18046/7. Welcome, attendance and apologies: The Chair welcomed councillors and the clerk as follows: Councillors: Paul Elmhirst (Chair), John Cook [...]

December 14th, 2018|

Minutes of Parish Council meeting – 4 October 2018

Welcome, attendance and apologies: The Chair welcomed councillors, clerk and visitors as follows: Councillors: Paul Elmhirst (Chair), John Cook (Vice-chair), James Atkinson, Lesley Collingridge, Richard Daniel, Michelle Dixon, Terry Harrison, Sally Lewis, Clerk: Ruth Swales [...]

October 8th, 2018|

Minutes of Parish Council meeting – 2 August 2018

MINUTES OF PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON THURSDAY 2 AUGUST 2018 18017. Welcome & Attendance: The Chair welcomed those councillors and clerk in attendance as follows: Councillors :James Atkinson (JA), Lesley Collingridge (LC), John Cook [...]

August 7th, 2018|

Minutes of the annual meeting of the Parish – 31 May 2018

In Attendance: Paul Elmhirst – Chair of Stillingfleet Parish Council Coucillor John Cook Councillor James Atkinson Councillor Lesley Collingridge Councillor Michelle Dixon Councillor Richard Daniel Councillor Terry Harrison Councillor Sally Lewis Councillor David Swinglehurst Ruth [...]

June 8th, 2018|


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